One day, Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1, NIV)
Today is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. For the next forty days, we are called to "reflect," to "inspect," and ultimately to "resurrect" on Easter Sunday.
While some observe this season by ceasing to do something as a representation of "sacrifice," Lent is often taken as an opportunity to adopt a new practice, or renew an old one. For the next several weeks, we have chosen to consider the practice of prayer.
We will share our questions about prayer, our "successes and failures" in prayer, and what we have come to understand about prayer up to this point in our lives.
What we won't be able to share is "all the answers," because we definitely don't have them! We are just travelers on a journey who are willing to share, "just as we are!"
Will you join us for these 40 Faithful Days? There will be a new posting each Sunday, first from Scott on March 5, then from Kathy on March 12...and we will continue our alternating pattern all the way through the Lenten season.
We will use prayers found in scripture as a structure for our reflection and writing, including...
...Create in me a clean heart, O God...
...Our Father in heaven, holy is your name...
...Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses...
...O Lord, why have you forsaken me?...
We hope you will join us and invite others to do the same!
In Christ,
Kathy and Scott